**Special Note to 3rd graders for practicing at home**
There are recordings near the bottom that you can play along with using your Recorder Karate Book. I've put page numbers by each so that you can find the page, then try to play along.
(Remember, if your parents say they've heard enough recorder, you can still move your fingers on the recorder to match the notes while listening to the link. Then play out loud once it's ok again.)
Happy Recorder Playing!
All students in Level 3 study the Recorder in music class from January through May, with a concert in mid-May. The recorder is a very old instrument in the woodwind family and is used at BVS in plastic form for 'pre-instrumental' study. Students are carefully observed and assessed on recorder in order to determine which musical instrument might be the best fit for them in Levels 4 and 5 with Mrs. Darling or Mr. Ebsary.
Practice your recorder fingerings at this website-- just click your mouse on the note to hear it and see which holes to cover!
OR download this file: Recorder Fingerings
Use the following link to practice recorder belts online:
Recorder Karate Dojo
Click on the "Streaming Audio" button on the left of the page.
Username: karate
Password: rubric