Minutes 2018-2019

June Minutes


    7:55 - GREETING


    TREASURER’S REPORT - Chicken BBQ made $1000.00; Expenses for 2018-2019 so far are $12,675.69, Current ending bank balance is an estimated $10,182.89.

    PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Mrs. Lauer announced that BVS is receiving a $100,000.00 grant for playground upgrades by Kompan. This grant will bring the playground surface up to code with rubberized wood chips and rubberized pathways to each play station. This project is a community supported build so many volunteers are needed and welcome. Work should take place over the summer prior to the installation of the garden grant expansion. Both new additions are scheduled to be unveiled at the upcoming BVS Fall Festival.


    COMMITEE REPORTS - Activity Day is ready to go, schedule complete, everything except for the snack station at the shelter will take place in back of the school. Hand wipes will be available at the snack station. Lunch is scheduled as usual with a picnic themed menu thanks to Mrs. Philips.


    Request for funds for an additional gutter for the garden by the shelter. Request is for approximately $150.00. The request was unanimously approved.

    BVS teachers have purchased Norwex Envirocloths to use in 21 classrooms. They are microfiber cloths that are a safe, chemical free environmentally friendly way to keep the classrooms clean. A request for funds in the amount of $188.00 was unanimously approved in order to supply ten remaining classrooms with the cloths. 

    There was some discussion regarding field trips and programs. Recommended that we look into more reimbursable field trips and it is the plan to schedule more programs next year.

    VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Thank you to everyone for a great year! Thank you to Nicole Lauer and staff for a great year. Thank you to Connie Ricotta who will be leaving us for HMS! Next year BVS PTSA officers will be Beth Piazza as Vice President, Brittany Whalen as Recording Secretary, and Amanda Gerwitz as Treasurer.

    In attendance: T.Roberts, C.Ebert, J.Wittmeyer, M.Laskowski, D.McFadden, J.Rasulo, D.Pfeil, B.Knodel, M.Ryan, J.Koelmeyer, C.Kelly, D.Neureuther, A.Judge, C.Ricotta, B.Piazza, E. Piazza, A. Bus, N.Lauer

May Minutes

  • BVS PTSA Meeting
    May 2, 2019

    7:00-Approval of Minutes for March and April

    7:05-Treasurer’s Report
    5th grade t-shirts price per shirt higher than last year, looking into reason for that, will cover extra cost if necessary

    7:13-Principal’s Report
    Preparing for end of school year
    Book Fair to be held back f the auditorium

    Teacher Appreciation Week begins Monday May 6th, arrangements are underway

    Yearbook has been completed and submitted by Sandy Hoffman. Thank you Sandy!


    Kindergarten and Fifth Grade Graduation-reviewed what is needed for these events.

    Mothers Day Plant Sale-Plants have been ordered, will be arriving next week VOLUNTEERS needed on Thursday May 9th in the afternoon to help wrap the pots in foil.

    Scholastic Book Fair & Chicken BBQ are on Thursday May 16th a few VOLUNTEERS would be greatly appreciated 4:00-7:00
    The Book Fair is a BOGO

    Activity Day-Schedule is completed. Activities chosen, Many VOLUNTEERS welcome!

    Fall Fundraiser discussed. PTSA is hoping to arrange a Farmers Market Event where a CSA (crop share) will be raffled.

    7:31-District Budget presentation given by Superintendent Mike Cornell

    8:00-Meeting Adjourned

    In Attendance: N.Lauer, C.Ricotta, B.Piazza, E. Piazza, B.Whalen, A.Bus

April Minutes

  • PTSA Meeting Minutes
    Thursday April 4th 2019

    7:45-Treasurer’s Report

    Budget proposal for next year approved to be forwarded to go to Hamburg Central PTSA

    7:50-Principal’s Report

    An exciting Garden Grant through Tops Markets, Dole and Captain Planet was applied for and approved for BVS. The grant includes 5 new beds, soil, compost, garden cart with supplies and seeds. The grant also includes a Vita-Mix blender on a teaching cart with access to online lessons.
    State Assessments resume today (Thursday).

    8:00-Committee Reports

    Niagara Candy Sale grossed $8629.00 to be delivered Monday and distributed on the 11th.

    Scholastic Book Fair - To be held May 13th-20th. It is the Buy One Get One event. Suggestions were made to tie it in with PARP week next year in March. Also the goal next year is to be able to provide 2 books per student.

    Spirit Sale - Tracy Skuse will be organizing another Spirit Wear Sale this spring. It is not a fundraiser but is an opportunity to purchase School Spirit wear.

    Teacher Appreciation Week planning is underway. Please contact Beth Piazza if you would like to help with this occasion.

    Mother’s Day Plant Sale is planned again for this year. It is not a fundraiser but an opportunity for students to purchase plants for Mom & Grandma.

    Garden-The garden is now in The PTSA budget.

    Activity Day-Dennis George the Quizmaster is scheduled for the morning of activity day with outdoor games to follow. Brittany Whalen is making excellent progress on the new schedule which will accommodate a normal school day lunch period.
    Notes will be coming home soon so volunteers can be trained and approved by the district.

    Fundraiser-A Chicken BBQ fundraiser is being planned most likely in May coinciding with the Book Fair. Looking to probably use Masters BBQ in Hamburg for this event.

    8:30-Meeting Adjourned

    In Attendance: N.Lauer, B.Piazza, L.Biddle, D. McFadden, B.Knodel, A.Montagna, A.Bus, J. Koelmeyer and K. Gingerich.

March Minutes


6:00-Approval of February Minutes

6:03-Principal's Report:

Glenn Colton was a success, a huge hit with the students!
State Assessments are coming up for ELA and Math for 3-5 levels. Assessments have been decreased to two days. Science Assessments for 4th grade only.

6:07-Treasurer's Report:

Beginning Bank Balance $7749.22 disbursements totaling $1330.38 Ending Bank Balance $6418.84

6:10-Vice President's Report:

90th "Birthday" for the PTSA Celebration being planned for June 9th at the Middle School

Programs & Committee Reports:

PARP - Going well, Mrs. Lauer planning read alouds in classrooms; choice of free book for each student through scholastic books program.
Niagara Candy Sale - Going well, concluding this Monday the 11th
Spirit Wear - Tracy Skuse Chairperson, will be scheduling another sale this spring.
Yearbook-Sandy Hoffman Chairperson
Mini Grants-No funds available for spring grants, will resume this provision in the fall. A reminder to keep 10-20% of the grant budget for shipping costs so as not to go over budget.


Activity Day - making changes to the schedule, keeping lunch times as per the normal daily schedule. Quizmaster is being scheduled for the beginning of the day with lots of fun activity stations to follow.
Mother Son Night planned for this evening. Everyone will enjoy a camping theme in the gym. Many thanks to Brittany, Beth and Ed, the gym looks amazing!

In Attendance: B.Piazza, E.Piazza, N. Lauer, A. Bus, B. Whalen, C. Ricotta

February Minutes


7:45- Approval of January Minutes - Approved

Treasurer's Report: deposits totaling $2140.64 from Lifetouch commissions, BVS Spirit Wear Sale, StudioHue Teacher's Paint Night Thank You BVS Teachers!; Additional Christmas Bazaar Sales, and Box Tops Income
Expenses included Mini grant to Dara McFadden and six folding tables to be used by PTSA at BVS events totaling $968.52
7:50-Principal's Report: Encouraging everyone to link to the BVS Twitter page @BVSelementary
Sail-a-bration character hall of fame is underway
Spirit Days planned for February 14th wear pink and red February 15th wear red white and blue
Working on PARP

7:55-Vice President's Report: PTSA will only pay for teachers and students to attend field trips, parents and guardians must pay their own fee.
Fundraiser with Niagara Candy has been scheduled for 2/15-3/8

8:00 Committee Reports
PARP-Forming a Committee
Scholastic Book Fair-Scheduled for 5/13-5/15 We are planning a book for each child in the school.
Garden-Starting seeds now in classrooms for the garden.
Science Fair-32 Displays with 36 Participants Tonight at 6:30
Father Daughter Dance-Photo Booth Scheduled, Corsages ordered
Mother Son Event- Under discussion, volunteers needed
Activity Day- planning has begun! Volunteers needed

8:15-New Business
May be having another Spirit Sale again in the spring

In Attendance: M.Ryan, J.Koelmeyer, K.Grazen, S.Duttry, T.Tew, T.Roberts, A. Bus, N.Lauer, B.Piazza, C. Ricotta

January Minutes


7:00 - Approval of minutes

Discussion of Tables Vote to Purchase Tables 5 in favor 3 against and Increase budget for supplies to $400.00 for the tables 8 in favor 0 against.

7:12 - Principals Report - Have Glen Colton to kick off PARP


PARP - Darien Lake Reading Challenge will soon be underway. Vote was passed, 8 in favor to have Glen Colton come to BVS to kick off the March PARP event.

Mini-Grants - two mini grants were approved, one submitted by Antoinette Montagna was approved and received. The other submitted by Dara McFadden was approved and waiting to be received.

Reflections - BVS had the most participants in HCSD with six advancing to Western Regionals

7:20 - EVENTS
Science Fair - plans underway, plenty of tables to use

Father-Daughter Dance will be held at the school this year with a pink and purple theme

Activity Day - Earth Spirit, possible $750.00 allotment available for BVS to use. Looking into booking a 3 hour event with other activities to supplement.

Poinsettia Fundraiser yielded $342.50.

Need for a Spring Fundraiser was discussed. A chocolate/plant sale was suggested.

In Attendance: B. Piazza, E. Piazza, T. Tew, C. Ricotta, A. Bus, B. Whalen, N. Lauer, A. Lyle

November Minutes


7:50 - Treasurer's Report
Scholastic Book Fair
Halloween expenses
Tops bonus card check

Principal's Report:

8:00 VP Report : $2078.00 of scholastic book bucks! Successful event
Mrs Knodels class won pizza party for All For Books

PARP - getting underway
Poinsettia sale Fundraiser looking into vendors

Box Tops
Spirit Wear
Reflections -Due 11/19/2018
Mini-Grants-Meeting today
New Vendor for Christmas Bazaar which is actually the old vendor
Have something for kids to do while they are waiting
Kids missed the pumpkin contest

In Attendance : B. Piazza, C. Ricotta, A. Bus, A. Montagna, B. Knodel, N. Lauer, T. Tew, K. Ebsary, L. Biddle, A. Judge, J. Koelmeyer, J. Rasulo, D. Pfeil, D. Neureuther


The PTSA appointed a mini-grant committee for Boston Valley Elementary for the purpose of facilitating grant requests from staff at BVS. An annual budget of $1000.00 was approved at a previous PTSA meeting. The committee consists of Tracy Tew, Elizabeth Huson, and Chairperson Amy Bus.

Three applications were submitted with two being approved and fully funded.

A grant request for a Stem Education Cart submitted by Dara McFadden for grades K-5 in the amount of $750.00 was approved.

A grant request for a Classroom Chart Easel on Wheels with Storage Bins submitted by Antoinette Montagna for Room 104 in the amount of $145.00 was approved.

A grant request for a We Do Lego 2.0 Stem Kit and batteries submitted by Erin Holstein and Kristen Winewicz for Level 3 in the amount of $2094.96 was unable to be funded at this time. This item can be partially funded in the amount of $105.00 or may be resubmitted at a future date.

October Minutes


7:00 - Approval of last month's minutes

Principal's Report - Picture Day went well, ran smoothly
Relocation drill re-scheduled for next Tuesday
Sail a brations are scheduled

7:05 - VP Report

Yearbooks - Continue to use Lifetouch.

Mini Grants - District wants to approve purchases before we purchase, see what is approved at the building level, then give the go ahead. BVS PTSA needs a chairperson to be the go-between with district for mini - grants.

Mental Health Training available for 20 PTSA members on Friday October 26th.
Home room Tea Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. 10/10/2018. Two needed per classroom

Scholastic Book Fair - Coin drive in the classrooms for All For Books
Book fair scheduled for 10/23-10/25. Set - up Monday the 22nd after school
Teacher Wish Lists
PARP - books will be given to teachers for distribution to students, books will be purchased at this book fair for the next PARP event to be scheduled
Halloween Event - cider and donuts; stations; face painting added; photo booth, games, bags for collecting, costume contest, coloring contest

Reflections - deadlines for projects are Monday November 19th

Activity Day - Moving forward on using Earth Spirit for Activity Day

Box Tops - Tracy Skuse collections going well

Spirit Wear - planning to offer youth size t-shirts at cost. Kick off at the Halloween event - 10/24/2018 for two weeks ending in November.
SQUARE One Art Work as a Fundraiser possibility, 38% profit
Scrip - gift cards, 5% back
Christmas Plant and Wreath Sale - Motion Passed
Schwans - food, 20% back possibly in the spring
Girls On The Run-
Purchasing more tables-
Tablecloth - BVS PTSA $65.00 motion passed
BVS Buddies - Model learners at Boston Valley Need to purchase life size stand ups
Glen Colton - program for PARP
8:45 Meeting Adjourned
B.Piazza, E.Piazza, T.Skuse, A.Bus, N.Lauer, A.Lyle, S.Beiter,

September Minutes


7:50- Approval of minutes
Treasurer's Report - year end expenses, etc.

Principal's Report- good opening day!

VP Report- would like to see growth of Mini Grants
Vote on increasing mini grants from $500 to $1000 Passed
Need committees for mini grants

Box Tops Program is being handled by Tracy Skuse - Set a goal for the Box Tops$
Programs-would like teacher input-Core will cover it at their meetings

Field Trips-Budget will be established
Reflections-Theme is Heroes Among Us
PARP - Need to form a committee
Scholastic- run simultaneously with PARP
Back To School Barbecue Monday 9/17/2018
Home room Parent Tea - Share expectations of a home room Parent
Halloween Celebration - Centers/Stations Snack related station; Mike Randall, Photo Station
Picture Day - no changes

New Business:

Adding Garden as a line item -
Need Someone to be a liaison with Farm To Table Initiative
Bald For Bucks - possibly doing something at BVS in Honor Of Conor Long

Old Business - Meeting times adjusted

In Attendance: B.Piazza, C.Ricotta, D.McFadden, B.Knodel, N.Lauer, L. Biddle, A.Montagna, J.Koelemeyer, A. Judge, T.Roberts, K. Gingerich, R.Bartoo

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