June Minutes
7:50-Treasurer's Report Paid for BMX, Plant Sale, Book Fair
Discussed who should pay for Special Ed bussing
7:55-Principal's Report: New Principal Nicole Lauer - from Union Pleasant
Reading Garden will be dedicated by New Principal at the Welcome Back Barbecue
Front a parking Lot will be made safer, work being done over summer break.
Halloween Celebration will be switched to 10/25/2018.
8:00- Old Business plant sale, BMX went well
End Of Year Activities: Kindergarten Graduation first, Fifth Grade Graduation after, share decorations
First Day of School - PTSA will help with first day of school getting new kids off busses to classrooms.
In Attendance: etc Piazza, Amy Bus, Nicole Lauer, Tracy Tew, Ingoldsby, R.Bartoo, D.McFadden, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Rasulo, Mrs. Ryan, L. Biddle, A. judge, Ma. Montagna, Nancy Krencik, Kevin Krencik.
May Minutes
7:45: Superintendents Presentation by Mr. Cornell
Recommended Budget for 2018-2019 School Year
8:20: Approval of April Minutes
8:25: Core Report: Visitor log form; Tech Team introducing an app called Clever to unite all the online school sites, Core Team is remaining the same with Beth Piazza being new PTSA parent Representative
8:27: Principal's Report: Mr Martinez' exit plan and new Principal's entrance plan; addressed front parking lot, proposed that the new administrator dedicates the reading garden at the back to school bbq. PTSA supports this suggestion.
8:35: Treasurer's Report , expenses approved, Budget proposed, and approved.
8:45: Help needed for Teacher Appreciation Day! Please contact Tracy Tew
Meeting Attended by: M.Cornell, J.Martinez, L.Biddle, R.Bartoo, T.Tew, C.Ricotta, A.Bus
April Minutes
7:45 - Approval of March Minutes
Old Business - Hawk Creek was re-scheduled and was a success
Mother Son Movie Night went well
New Business -
Set next year's calendar/ meeting dates and times
BVS PTSA Meat Raffle Fundraiser set for April 27th 6-10pm at the Knights of Columbus in the Village elf Hamburg. Meat has been ordered from Hoelscher's. Baskets are being donated by the community and classrooms. Boston Town Supervisor, Jason Keding will be the MC. There will be a grill raffle, 50/50 split, door prize. $6.00/ticket or table of 8 for $40. Pre-sale grill tickets are 3 for $10.00. Pizza will be sold for $1.00 a slice.
Volunteers needed for during the event!!
May Events:
Teacher Appreciation
Mother's Day Plant Sale
Spruce Up the Gardens day - Proposed that it be a fifth grade activity
The BMX Program is set for May 21. Morning shows - two shows booked in case of weather.
June Events:
Wednesday, June 13 - K-2 Talent Show 1:15
Thursday, June 14-9:30 Flag Day followed by Activity Day
Friday June 15- 3-5 grade Talent shoe 9:30
Monday June 18 K Graduation/Fun Day 9:30
Tuesday June 19 K-5 awards 9:30. 4&5 awards 5th grade Graduation and reception 1:00
Principal's Report: Mr Martinez's Retirement Approved
Friends of Boston Valley- would like to organize a local food pantry, coop garden
March Minutes
8:00 - Approval of Last Month's Minutes
- Treasurers Report
Hawk Creek: All Set for March 2, 2018
Movie Night - Wonder
BMX - Possibly May 21, proposing it to other schools in the district
In School Program
Helping Hands - Wednesdays and Thursday's
8:15. Principal's Report - Earth Spirit for next year on activity day proposed
8:20. Spring Fundraiser - Meat Raffle - Themed baskets from classrooms organized by home room parents
Attended By: C. Ricotta, J. Martinez, T. Tew, A. Bus
February Minutes
7:45 - approval of last months minutes
7:50 - Treasurers Report
Accounts report for district regarding setting up new procedures for using sales exempt status. Can reimburse tax as an individual building until procedures are in place. Putting together a list of vendors that directly invoice to make the process easier.
8:00 - Principal's Report:
Science Fair this evening, Fourth Grade did Earth Spirit field trip. Possible Field Day event handled by Earth Spirit. Student Government came to BVS for Sail-a-bration. Cafeteria noise-level management.
8:15 - New Business
Helping Hands - Organized through Robin Bartoo. Beginning on Wednesday's Parents can help teachers.
Science Fair - tonight, 6:30-7:30,
Father Daughter Dance - Friday February 9th @Patchin Firehall
Hawk Creek in school program scheduled for March 2, 2018
Mother Son Movie Night - 3/16/2018 Considering Despicable Me 3, Wonder, Boss Baby, or Cars 3.
8:30 - Open Discussion: District PTSA Looking to create a nominating committee of two general members that can serve. These are Important positions because they will be directing the choice of leadership for the following year.
In attendance: T. Tew, A.Bus, D.Lamb, K.Krencik, S. Beiter, C. Ricotta, N.Krencik, J.Martinez
January Minutes
Thursday January 3 2018 PTSA MINUTES
7:50: Treasurers Report
7:55: Core Report
8:00: past business, Christmas Bazaar went well, pleased with new company
New tables purchased by PTSA useful
8:05: Next events on the schedule: Science Fair. and Father Daughter Dance,
Hawk Creek on March 2, 2018
Meat Raffle April 27, 2018 at Knight of Columbus
Minutes from last meeting approved
Meeting Attended by T.Tew, C. Ricotta, K. Krencik, J. Martinez, R. Bartoo
November Minutes
PTSA MINUTES 11/2/2017
7:45. Treasurer's Report
7:55. Memberships still time to join
Benches are finished, need to be installed
Outdoor Movie was well attended, $120.00 raised for Garden
Halloween Party went well
Helping Hands is being planned for once a week
Reflections: Due November 13
Core Report: Theater of Youth has contacted BVS
Would like to have Hawk Creek in March not Nov.
Winter Clothing Drive - completed and well supported
8:10. BPO Sending 3rd and 5th grade. Need to pay for the bus will fill out a grant form
8:15. Buffalos' Best Fundraiser $2633.00 net
PARP Pumpkin Contest, good participation. Next time combine the Scholastic book fair with PARP
Picture Retake Day November 8th
Christmas Bazaar is re-scheduled for December 14th and 15th
Welcome Mrs. MacGamwell substituting for Mr. Martinez
Meeting attended by N.Krencik, K. Krencik, T. Tew, A.Bus, K.MacGamwell, B.Piazza, L.Biddle, D.Pfiel, R.Bartoo, B. Knodel, S. Manspeaker, M.Ryan, T.Roberts, C.Ricotta
8:20 Meeting Adjourned
October Minutes
PTSA MEETING 10/5/2017
7:50: Apple Program Big Apple Crunch. Free apples during lunch Contest to win $1000 for the garden. Begins 10/19/2017
7:55: Treasurer's Report
Bundle Up Buffalo: Laura Biddle chairperson
Grant opportunity from Wesleyan church of Hamburg for a school or community need in the south towns. Deadline is November 15th
Audit Committee, volunteer needed, Ed Piazza
Pre-K - Include Parents in the PTSA, letter welcoming and a calendar of meetings and events.
8:00. Spirit Wear - school spirit items, BVS specific items as well as Hamburg Central
8:05: Old Business Welcome Back BBQ - well attended Keep on Friday
Home room Parent Tea - schedule again for next year
Picture Day
Halloween Celebration: sound system, snacks etc.
Book Fair
PARP Book Fair Contest Heroes & Villians : New Chairperson Needed for next year see Kevin Krencik- Try to enter national contest
Reflections Art Contest Underway
8:10 Box Tops: motion passed to purchase Kindle for Raffle to whomever collects most box tops.
Hawk Creek or Earth Spirit for Educational In School Program
Reading Garden: Funded by Grant and Donations, funding needed Seeking $500.00 grant from PTSA , community volunteers needed for bench installation and book box installation. GoFundMe page BVSFrienshipReading Garden
Motion Passed for PTSA to grant $250.00 to Friendship Reading Garden.
Buffalo's Best Fundraiser underway
PTSA MEMBERSHIP - 48 members currently at BVS membership appreciated $8.00/person
Bulldog Dash - 5k
Bring Back Helping Hands Parent Teacher Group
November 7th Constitutional Convention, Teachers feel it is not good for Education, parents are encouraged to look into this before voting on November 7th. It is located on the back of the ballot. www.hamburgta.com
Attended by:
Tracy Tew, Dana Lamb, Candy Ditkowski, Ed Piazza, Amy Judge, Jen Koelmeyer, Laura Biddle, Robin Bartoo, Margaret Ryan, Connie Ricotta, Amy Bus, Jennifer Wittmeyer, Nancy Krencik, Kevin Krencik, June Meissner, Casey Kelley, Erin Holstein, Kristen Stanley, Kathleen O'Mara
September Minutes
Thursday September 7, 2017
Back to School BBQ: Friday September 15th
Need baked goods, flyers, apples, milk,
FALL FUNDRAISER: Buffalo's Best 10/2/2017-10/16/2017 sell dates, Items are received at the school for distribution the week after thanksgiving.
Spring Fundraiser:
Meat Raffle - set date for April 27th or May 4th
Home room Parent Tea: Thursday September 28th in the morning, time to be determined.
Home room parents meet with teachers as a group in BVS Cafeteria
Halloween Party:
Thursday October 26th
Volunteers needed for chaperoning the event, providing baked goods, decorating.
PTSA MEMBERSHIP: Anyone who joins by October 31st is automatically entered in a raffle to win a Kindle Fire, there are 5 available to the district. A PTSA membership costs $8.00/person and benefits lots of activities throughout the school year.
Open House : 9/19 & 9/21 Sign-ups for Membership and activities will be posted Volunteers Needed and Greatly Appreciated!!
Picture Day: Friday 9/29/2017